Product Variants


Permavoid 150

Permavoid 150 is a modular interlocking polypropylene void-former. It was originally designed as a high strength, lightweight and open sub base replacement system.


Permavoid 85S

Permavoid 85S is a strong lightweight hollow subbase system, able to support sports, landscaped and paved surfaces on rooftops, podium decks and in green infrastructure at ground level.

features of permavoid

Creates a 150mm Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS)

Creates a shallow (85mm) Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS)

Replaces gravel subbase, creating a lightweight sub base with 95% open space

Suited for stormwater catchment, conveyance, attenuation and irrigation of soil above the system

Suitable for water management (catch-store-reuse) in gardens, public green space, greenroofs, podum decks, sports, play and equestrian arenas

Permavoid - A1 Fence

Applications of permavoid

Podium Decks

Ground Irrigation/Trees

Rooftops of Residences or Corporate Buildings

Subsurface drainage for roads

Sports Grounds

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Permovoid Patner